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How Close are You to the
Wildwood Himitage?

Brookings is located on the most southern piece of Oregon's coastline, just six miles from California. It is accessible by car and the closest airport is only 35 miles away.

While driving just south of the city you will find yourself on a bridge over the Chetco River. From here you will have a terrific view of Brookings Harbor. If you are interested in doing some fishing, Brookings will be your favorite place to visit on the southern Oregon coast. See Fishing

Scenic landscape is easy to find in Brookings, which also has a number of parks. If you want the best of both worlds, visit Harris Beach State Park to find beautiful beaches with a perfect mixture of rocky terrain and soft sand. There is also the Clifford Kamph Memorial Park that offers a pleasant walk that will be perfect for all the family photos. Finally, don't forget how close California is; Redwood forests with tree trunks the size of your car are nearby at Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park just 9 miles East of Crescent City, California. Redwoods Ask the local visitors center where the best places are to explore the old growth. They will love to help you. Hiking Trails

The Wildwood Himitage is 12 miles North of the California/Oregon border (6 miles North of Brookings and 2 miles East of the Pacific Ocean.) (A map). The following are the approximate miles from your place to ours. Realize, however, that all roads leading to Brookings are primarily two-lane roads so plan extra time for a leisurely trip. Also know that the coastal route (Highway 101) has incredible ocean views coming from the North and South, and a great drive through the redwoods across the border coming North in California. As you can see, this list is a work in progress. Is your city missing? Let us know and we'll estimate the mileage for you.

Miles from 96118 Wildwood Road to...

Albany, NY 3,154
Albuquerque, NM 1,500
Amarillo, TX 1,786
Arcata, CA 120
Ashland, OR 147
Atlanta, GA 2,831
Bandon, OR 80
Bangor, ME 3,551
Bend, OR 296
Binghampton, NY
Birmingham, AL 2,776
Boise, ID 632
Boston, MA 3,322
Bremerton, WA 497
Brownsville, TX 2,424
Buffalo, NY 2,872
Cannon Beach, OR 312
Cave Junction, OR 80
Cazadero, CA 310
Charleston WV 2,783
Charlotte, NC 3,006
Cheyenne, WY 1,393
Chicago, IL 2,353
Cincinnati, OH 2,585
Cleveland, OH 2,682
Columbus, OH 2,651
Coos Bay, OR 104
Crater Lake, OR 199
Crescent City, CA 35
Dallas, TX 2,143
Daytona Beach, FL 3,270
Denver, CO 1,487
Des Moines, IA 2,020
Detroit, MI 2,619
Duluth, MN 2.144
El Paso, TX 1,593
Eugene, OR 219
Eureka, CA 119
Flagstaff, AZ 1,178
Florence, OR 152
Fort Bragg, CA 252
Garberville, CA 186
Gerlach, NV 410

Gold Beach, OR 24
Grand Rapids, MI 2,515
Grants Pass, OR 106
Half Moon Bay, CA 416
Hartford, CT 3,230
Hillsboro, OR 333
Hopland, CA 290
Hood River, OR 390
Houston, TX 2,340
Indianapolis, IN 2,473
Jackson, MS 2,548
Jacksonville, FL 3,176
Kansas City, MO 2,025
Klamath, OR 55
Klamath Falls, OR 210
Knoxville, TN 2,762
Lakeview, OR 306
Las Vegas, NV 982
Laytonville, CA 231
Lincoln City, OR 226
Little Rock, AR 2,378
Los Angeles, CA 794
Louisville, KY 2,537
Madison, WI 2,314
McKinleyville, CA 106
Medford, OR 134
Memphis, TN 2,546
Miami, FL 3,537
Milwaukee, WI 2,395
Minneapolis, MN 2,058
Mobile, AL 2,807
Montgomery, AL 2,866
Myrtle Beach, SC 3,169
Nashville, TN 2,585
New Orleans, LA 2,688
New York, NY 3,128
Norfolk, VA 3,192
North Bend, OR 106
Oklahoma City, OK 2,041
Omaha, NE 1,889
Oregon Caves, OR 99
Orlando, FL 3,313
Philadelphia, PA 3,097

Pistol River, OR 15
Pittsburgh, PA 2,799
Phoenix, AZ 1,164
Portland, ME 3,423
Portland, OR 327
Port Orford, OR 53
Raleigh, NC 3,105
Redding, CA 247
Reedsport, OR 131
Reno, NV 439
Richmond, VA 3,097
Roseberg, OR 177
Sacramento, CA 409
St. Louis, MO 2,278
St Paul, MN 2,068
Salem, OR 282
Salt Lake City, UT 955
San Anselmo, CA 375
San Antonio, TX 2,146
San Diego, CA 913
San Francisco, CA 391
San Rafael, CA 373
Santa Fe, NM 1,560
Santa Rosa, CA 337
Savannah, GA 3,079
Sea Lion Cove, CA 512
Seaside, OR 318
Seattle, WA 499
Smith River, CA 22
Spokane, WA 680
Tallahassee, FL 3,049
Tampa, FL 3,331
Tillamook, OR 270
Troutdale. OR 344
Tucson, AZ 1,279
Ukiah, CA 277
Vancouver, BC 639
Washington, DC 3,039
Whaleshead Beach, OR 5
Wichita, KS 1,996
Willits, CA 254
Willow Creek, CA 147
Yosemite, CA 582

Airports: Crescent City is the closest commercial airport 35 miles from the Himitage. The second closest is Arcata/Eureka, CA, 106 miles away. Then, Medford, OR 134 miles away. Sample of airline rates.)

*     *     *

A man's (or woman's) silence is wonderful to listen to. - Thomas Hardy

It was so quiet we could hear our eyelids open and close. - Jed Diamond


Contact Information

Snail Mail: P.O. Box 12, Brookings, OR 97415-0001